Bridge over water on Canada's north shore


Sustainable Standards

Michels Canada recognizes the importance of in an environmentally conscious manner, committing to environmental leadership, and following these six fundamental guidelines which make up our Environmental Policy: Comply fully with the letter and spirit of environmental laws and regulations; Provide employees and subcontractors with the tools to our environmental commitment through education, training, community involvement and stewardship; Protect air, land and water resources in an environmentally sensitive manner; Assist in finding solutions to environmental concerns; Conserve by implementing activities that are economically and operationally to protect the environment, including reducing energy use and air emissions, water and resource consumption, and waste generation; Be good corporate citizens and neighbours by promoting environmental compliance and environmental sustainability.

Environmental compliance within Michels Canada is through the sharing of information, providing applicable orientation/training on environmental sensitivities and associated mitigation, hiring qualified personnel, and providing onsite monitoring of activities through a proactive and adaptive construction approach.

We are aware that federal, provincial, and local regulations exist to protect air, and water resources. We operate in full compliance with all applicable environmental regulatory requirements to ensure the protection of our natural resources during construction activities.

Environmental Policy

Michels firmly believes our commitment to the environment benefits our customers, shareholders and the communities we serve. Michels’ Environmental Policy is based on the following fundamental guidelines:

A megaphone logo

Approved Limits of Disturbance

Always identify limits of disturbance (LOD) stakes/markers and stay within approved work areas and approved access points.

A globe depicting Earth

Good Housekeeping

Always keep yards and work areas clean, free of debris and trash, and in a neat and orderly condition.

Three water droplets

Spill Prevention and Reporting

Always assign a spill coordinator that knows the spill plan. Locate tanks with proper containment and spill kits. All spills must be cleaned up and reported, regardless of size.

Three leaves in a circle representing environmental protection.

Proper Waste Management and Recycling

Always follow waste minimization and best practices (e.g., label containers, separate waste types). Identify recycling opportunities with local vendors.

A shovel mounted into a pile of dirt.

Install and Maintain Erosion and Sediment Controls

Always install E&SCs according to the plan and specs. Never ignore damaged devices and report when maintenance is needed.

An outline of a bridge used for transportation purposes.

Keep Roadways Clean

Always keep roads clean from tracked sediment (street sweeping) and utilize rock construction entrances or other approved tracking pads.

Earth globe depicted with a leaf within it.

Protect Wetlands and Waterways

Always Identify resource locations in the field with signage. Follow job-specific or permit requirements (e.g., crossing methods, bridges, timber mats).

A water droplet surrounded by a circle of arrows.

Clean Dewatering

Always use properly-sized dewatering structures or filter bags to discharge clean water. Do not pump and discharge milky, muddy or cloudy water to water resources or storm drains.

A person behind the while with their seatbelt on.

Reduce Vehicle Idling

Always consider when vehicles and equipment can be shut off to reduce emissions and fuel costs. Equipment should only idle during extreme weather and if necessary for specific equipment job functions.

A clipboard with a checklist

Know Job-Specific and Permit Requirements

Always follow job-specific requirements and attend environmental training to protect resources (e.g., biological, cultural, and other protected resources).

Sustainability Initiatives

Michels uses a hybrid crane to move large boulders

Greenhouse Gas Reduction

On average, Michels replaces 5% of our construction vehicles and equipment with newer units powered by engines that meet or exceed EPA Tier 4 emissions standards.

Four Michels crew members stand together
A collection of people who have been recognized for their ability to demonstrate Michels Core Values.
We do that & more

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